A vacation is a great way to rest and recharge so that you can return to work with full focus and attention. Whether you have a cruise planned for the fall, or a family trip to a theme park, chances are, you won’t take full advantage of it. Most of us don’t, and that’s a shame.

For most people, whether an employee or a business owner, finding the time to take time off and get a fresh perspective on life can be a challenge. It’s especially hard in today’s more challenging economy where we all seem to be working longer and harder than ever. At this pace we often don’t realize the toll daily life takes on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The benefits of taking a vacation are often misunderstood and highly underrated.

It’s time to understand that taking a vacation is about renewal.Time away, even if it’s a few days at a time, can replenish those areas where we didn’t even know we were lacking. Our best ideas and happiest moments arise when we’re quiet and relaxed enough to actually listen to what’s going on in our minds and hearts, as well as those of our loved ones, and reflect on what we hear. This renewed sense of self is recognized in the workplace with an increase in creativity, clarity in challenging tasks, and an overall sense of energy upon returning to the office.

It’s time to leave work behind. Don’t bring the office with you and don’t let work creep into your time away. This may seem obvious, but most of us find this a struggle because we are used to checking our phones and emails constantly. Unlike those devices, you must unplug to recharge. Leave your laptop at home, place your phone in a place where it is hard to access, and leave an out-of-office message on your work phone and email accounts.

It’s time to stop feeling guilty. Whether you realize it or not, and whether you are an employee or an owner, you are not indispensable. Your business should be stable enough for you to take a few days off. Rather than questioning how critical your presence is, you should be asking how much time you need to take off in order to enjoy your loved ones and relax your mind so you can have more energy and focus at work..

It’s time to take time out for yourself. Believe us when we say, your coworkers, customers, and family will thank you for it! Call the team atR2R Marketing today at 757-482-3492 and learn more about our team of experts who can handle your marketing while you relax and recharge! Visit r2rmarkets.com to learn more!