Do you remember those strict rules in school against taking an unauthorized peek across your desk at another student’s test or quiz? If you were stumped, it was especially tempting to steal a look at the smart kid’s paper and copy his answer. Whether or not the temptation was too great to pass up back then, it’s time to forget all the rules you have learned and “re-purpose” what you see others do that works!

If you are hard pressed for fresh ideas to get those phones ringing and customers walking through the door don’t be afraid to take cues from the leaders in your industry. It is incredibly helpful to be on the lookout for all of those things that a successful company is doing right. There is no harm in leveraging what you learn, and adding your own branded twist in the process! For example, if you see a business owner add new products or service offerings, consider what changes you can make that will benefit your customers as well as your profit margin. Perhaps you see that your competitor is actively engaging with their customers on social media, take a few notes as to how you can interact in the social media world to pique the interest of your customers as well as many potential customers.

There is no reason for you to feel bad for drawing on great ideas of other companies. Re-purpose those ideas in a way that makes your business shine. The company you are emulating probably got their great idea from someone else too.  And after all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

At R2R Marketing, our team is ready to help you find ways to use ideas that work in your territories and make it your own. We have experience with your industry and can help you analyze your industry competition and provide you with a winning strategy.

Call R2R Marketing at 757-482-3492 or visit us at to learn how we can help!