Vacations are meant to be the ultimate reset button that allows us an escape from our day-to-day routine and reality. However, with all of us tied to our smart technology, it can be extremely hard to ignore the amount of work that is building up back at the office.  With the ability to work from the most remote locations, working while on vacation has become the new normal for many of us.

Is this healthy? For some maybe not but for most of us the failure to disconnect interferes with the benefits of vacation –  that being a renewed focus and energy to the job when we return to work.

Here are a few tips to help you fully enjoy fully enjoy your vacation – without missing a beat or a deadline upon your return:

Prepare Before You Go. It’s hard to relax on vacation when your mind wanders to an email that you forgot to reply to or a meeting that was not rescheduled. Carefully check your “to do” list before you leave, and work extra hard to get what needs to be completed done BEFORE you leave.

Let Your Customers Know. Set up an away message with an automated email reply and an “out-of-office” voicemail greeting. Be specific with dates you will be out, date you will return, and an invitation to leave a message for you to respond to upon your return. Also include a contact for any emergency needs.  Don’t forget to let this contact person know that you have given them this responsibility.

Don’t Take Work With You. If you haven’t quite wrapped up the work you’d like to complete before you set off, it can be tempting to take it with you. If you do this, your time away may feel less than a vacation and more like a business trip.

Remind Yourself Why You Took A Vacation. It’s likely you took a vacation because you need a vacation from work. People tend to feel guilty for taking time away for themselves. But don’t! We need to learn to enjoy the time doing things that make us relax, smile, and happy – and pass on this joy to those around us.

Get Back To Reality…With Ease. It is common to feel a bit of stress as you return to the office after time away. It’s always good to plan a buffer day at home between your return and your first day back at work. This will allow you some time to catch up on emails and voicemail messages before going back into the office.

Relaxation is something we often view as only appropriate for the weekends or vacation. It’s important to integrate healthy and pleasurable activities into your everyday life after vacation — so you’ll be ready to embark upon your next adventure down the road.

Call R2R Marketing at 757-482-3492 and let’s discuss how we can provide you with real solutions that will get you real results!