What sets YOU apart from your competitor?
Define and market the specialties that set you apart from your competitor. Don’t waste time and money trying to appeal to everyone. The customer wants to hear specifics. A marketing approach is more effective if the business positions their message by promoting a specialty in an area that is not being fully served by their competition.
Who is YOUR target customer?
Identify the qualifying characteristics that define and develop your “ideal” customer profile. Once you have determined and compiled the qualifiers, use them to develop a profile of your “ideal” customer – one that has a real need or desire for your products or services. Here are some strong qualifiers that can be used by all industries:
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Income Level
  • Occupation or Industry
  • Marital Status
  • Family Status
  • Geographic Location
  • Special Interests

Be specific in your marketing strategy and message to your target customer. The tendency of most is to go bigger when reaching out to an audience. Less is more when marketing to a target audience. Use your customer profile and target specifically to that ideal customer. Not only is this more powerful and cost effective, but will ensure that marketing efforts will be profitable.

Many owners make the mistake of trying to compete on every level with the competitor AND market their services to the mass customer base. This exercise in promoting your specialty and defining your customer will set you apart from your competition. More importantly this approach will increase your chance for success!

At R2R Marketing we are experts on services that get you results.  Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!