It can be difficult to find the right words to keep a conversation on track or provide ample information when speaking with customers. Scripts help ensure your team members aren’t left grasping for words and ensure they don’t accidentally put customers, or themselves, in uncomfortable situations.

Think of scripts as a training tool. They serve as a starting point to help make everyone more comfortable. Focus on these two types of scripts to get started:

When Something Goes Wrong: Have go-to scripts your employees can use when a customer is upset. Scripts are important in these situations when matters can quickly spiral out of control with excuses and over-promising. These scripts can be as simple as, “I understand you’re upset. I’ll have my manager give you a call ASAP to work through this.”

The Easy Stuff: Remember to loosely script the everyday interactions. If you run a plumbing business for example, you likely hired your team members for their plumbing skills, not their charm. Small interactions like introducing themselves to customers, asking general questions, and saying goodbye at the end of a job are all important to practice. This also helps make sure they aren’t forgotten completely.

Never let scripting get in the way of sincerity. Role playing these scripts during training will help your team find ways to make the interactions sound more natural and less, well, scripted. Focus on creating careful responses that sound natural and lead with empathy. One business owner we know has employees go to his family’s home on a service call as part of the training program. His wife shares feedback on the interaction, leading to improved communication. Role playing doesn’t have to be with other employees.

When developed and used correctly, scripts will help you and your team feel confident in creating a consistent customer service experience.