The desire to be liked is a part of our human nature. We see the impact of being “liked” in social media and in our home life – however, this is also a key component of a company’s brand and the workplace environment.

“The three pillars of a personal brand are trustworthiness, likability, and competence: TLC.” — Guy Kawasaki

Why is this so important for leaders to embrace in today’s business world? A likable leader creates a positive and productive work environment that over time will pay off for everyone involved – your workers, your customers AND the success of the organization.

Here are four tips to being more likable in the workplace:

Be Honest

Encourage honesty, and lead by example. Show that being honest, even when it’s hard, is always the smart choice.

Be Real

People like you when you are genuine. Be complimentary. Be impressed. Admit a failing or a weakness. Know that everyone is more skilled than you at something. The best thing that you can do is let them be better than you!

Be Fair

This doesn’t mean that you treat everyone exactly the same across the board. To be fair, you must assess each employee and determine what motivates that person as well as those things that cause a negative response. This assessment will enable you to focus on what you can do for your employee—and they will respond positively.

Ask Questions

A likable person is masterful in getting you to talk about yourself without you even knowing it! How do they do it? They ask a question that invites the how, why and who of the other person. Asking sincere questions shows respect for the individual. In addition, when you ask the right questions of employees this helps you enhance productivity (always a plus!)

Although the “need to be liked” may seem unconventional for what is expected of a business leader, you will find the return on this investment to be fulfilling both personally and collectively in your organization and with your customers!