Marketing is a lot like fishing, and successful marketing mimics good fishing strategies. Here are a few fishing-related marketing tips to keep you from casting about aimlessly for leads this summer:

Fish where the fish are:  It doesn’t do any good to fish in areas where there are none. Your marketing should use the same approach – share your messages and advertising where your target audience is most likely to encounter them. Depending on your audience demographics, that can include specific social media channels, community events, trade shows, print media, email magazines and newsletter sponsorships, and more. If you’re not sure where your audience hangs out in person or online, ask your best customers.

Fish when the fish are hungry: There’s a reason fishermen are on the water early – that’s when the fish are biting. When you share marketing messages, you want to reach your audience at the right time. Usually, that involves several time windows to cover both when they are interested and when they are ready to act. Those may not be the same times. 

Use the right lure: As a child, I learned that sunfish in a nearby pond would ignore worms in favor of balls of bread on a hook. Your audience will respond to messages that appeal to their emotions and address their pain points. Use words, images, and phrases that will resonate.

Stock your tackle box: Successful fishermen have tackle boxes with many different lures, hooks, sinkers, and more, and they know how to use them effectively. Even more importantly, they are quick to change lures and approaches when what they are trying isn’t working or the circumstances change. Great salespeople are flexible and adapt to changing circumstances.

Even if you’ve never sought a fish, thinking like a tournament fisherman or fisherwoman will elevate your marketing efforts and your closing rate. If you’re ready to be more strategic with your marketing messages, reach out to the R2R Marketing team.