Learn how to capture the power of the telephone as a sales tool, that can bring you the big sale or contact you’ve been dreaming of. The telephone is the critical point of contact a motivated customer will use when they are ready to know more. All company employees need to understand that every time the phone rings, the call has a dollar amount attached to it.

A business owner should look at the telephone process much like their merchandise and signage – the way the customer is treated on the phone is a reflection of their brand. So what message are you communicating when you answer the phone? Is the tone of your voice telling customers and prospective customers that they are the most important thing in your life at that moment? Or are you telling them – simply by your tone – that they are an unimportant interruption to your busy day?

If you train your employees to start looking at your phone as a sales building tool, you will set the stage for retaining customers, gaining new customers and ultimately getting more dollars in the door. Here are four simple steps for every employee to follow when the phone rings:

1. The Warm Up. Before you answer the phone, you must stop what you are doing, take a breath, and put a smile on your face. These simple steps allow you to focus on the caller, adjust your attitude and focus on the caller. If you need a reminder – a helpful tip to consider is: Place a note by your phone that says “This call is bringing me a remarkable opportunity” and you will be on your way to using the telephone as a positive sales tool.

2. Stop What You Are Doing. Every employee – no matter their role – must be trained to treat an incoming phone call with respect and sincerity. The first step for all must be to set everything aside when you answer the phone. By multitasking, you are not focused on the customer’s wants and needs. Train your team to approach every phone call with this question in mind – “How could I best be of service to this person today?” This attitude and consistent approach can have far reaching and positive effects.

3. Take Ownership and Focus. It is important to consider the customer’s needs ahead of your own. If you don’t listen, you will miss the point. Visualize the person, even if you don’t know them, so that you remind yourself you are engaged in a two-way conversation. Learn what they want by asking questions and listening to their needs. If you find yourself easily distracted, consider taking notes on what they are saying. By taking notes you can verify with them as well as yourself the important points of the conversation and the action items that need attention.

4. Show Your Gratitude. It is important for each team member to understand that the first 30 seconds and the last 30 seconds determine a caller’s opinion about your business. The final step for every call is to confirm with the caller that their needs were met, ask if they have any additional questions and then most importantly, thank them for their call. This final step is essential to being of service to them.

By implementing these four simple steps, you will build long-term customer relationships, boost your reputation, bring in referrals and raise your revenue every time the phone rings!