One of the most important things you can learn in life is the skill of being able to say no. In fact, learning to say no may be the most important personal and professional skill that a person can perfect. At work many of us are terrified to say no when realistically there are times when no is the BEST answer for the task at hand.

Here are three reasons why saying no can benefit not only you but the entire organization:

  • “No” can open the door for opportunity for a coworker.  A good rule of thumb when asked to commit to a task it to ask yourself, “Am I the best person to do this?” The answer to this question may vary from day to day. Your answer is dependent on your expertise and the tasks that you have going on at the time the request is made. If you find that you do not have the time or expertise to commit fully to a project or an event, it would be wise to say no and allow others an opportunity that they wouldn’t have had if you always say yes.
  • “No” allows you to focus on a productive work load. The worst time to commit is when you are tired, stressed out, in the middle of something else, or perhaps just really excited about the opportunity. If you have taken on too many assignments, you can quickly become overwhelmed and resentful. Saying no keeps you from the stress of over committing, and helps you maintain a healthy outlook on life both professionally and at home.
  • “No” highlights your respect for your reputation and the organization. When you respectfully say no and support this answer with a valid reason why you can’t take this on, you will gain respect. This thoughtful approach assures your team that when you do say yes it is a solid and committed resolve to take on the task. It also alerts them that when you say no it is due to a concern that the end product may not be the best that you have to offer. This concern for their best interest will position you as trustworthy and dependable employee in the long run.

In daily life, both at work and home, we all have lots of opportunities to say yes. Knowing why, when, and how to say “no” at work is critical to your quality of life at work and at home. The key to maintaining success when you say no is learning “how” to say it.  Visit the R2R Blog to learn some ways to say no with tact and grace.  With a bit of practice it won’t take long before you are comfortable with this simple word and your life will be changed.