Every business owner has experienced the “unhappy” customer a time or two. Some business problems are harder to fix than others. But very few problems can be as frustrating and difficult to address as an unhappy customer. That’s because there’s no single way to “fix” a broken customer relationship. Every situation — and every customer — is different. Success depends on your ability to listen, adapt, evolve, and rise to the challenge.

There are ways to win in this situation, and we have three proactive methods for you to consider whenever your are faced with an unhappy customer.

1. Ask the question – “What Happened?”

This seems obvious, but many business owners and their employees neglect to ask one vitally important question: “What happened?” You may know – or think you know – exactly what went wrong. Yet it’s also important to ask the customer how they see the problem. They’ll give you a different point of view, and in the process they might show you how to come up with a better solution. This approach also shows the customer how much you value their input and loyalty.

2. Get To The Bottom Of The Problem

Once you discover why your customer is unhappy, it’s time to assess who, or what, may have caused the problem. If a misunderstanding occurred, it is wise to let the customer know that you and your team will take full responsibility.

3. Offer A Solution

Once you understand the reason for their disappointment, it is time to offer a solution that will satisfy the needs and expectations of the customer. By doing this you not only learn from the customer’s disappointment, but will also win them back because of your proactive approach.

Put these methods to work, and you’ll have the tools you need to turn even the most ardent critic into a loyal — and vocal — repeat customer. A common fact in the business world is that it’s much more expensive to attract new customers than it is to keep existing ones! Focus on keeping your customers happy all year long.

For support in your all of your eMarketing needs, contact the team of professionals at R2R Marketing team! Call us at 757-482-3492 or visit www.r2rmarkets.com to learn more.