Are you aware that the number one way a customer will decide to contact you or learn more about you is based on the value that they choose to place on your product or service? Simply put, a value proposition is a deliverable. It’s what you, as the business owner, promise to deliver to your customers. It might be described as a solution to a want, a need, or an enhancement to a current lifestyle. In any case, the value that you portray to your customer will determine why they should buy your product over the others in the marketplace.

As any successful business owner will tell you, when a customer realizes that value exceeds price in the offer, they will buy. The goal, no matter the product or service, is to make sure they understand the value that you provide that is unique from the very beginning. This unique characteristic needs to be communicated across all channels that customers utilize to learn more about you.

How do you define your value, and assure that your customer will react in a favorable way? That’s a good question, and we have a great answer.Think about what makes your business a standout from everyone else. Use that as a starting point for building a simple, clear and honest value proposition with a message that states what sets you apart and drives people to want to know more by phone or your website.

A value proposition should be clear and easy for the prospect to understand. It needs to be consistently and prominently placed in all marketing materials, ensuring the brand’s message and value becomes recognizable long term, and should be simple enough for anyone to “get” in 5 seconds or less.

At R2R Marketing we are experts at helping you to determine what sets you apart from others. Give us a call and talk to us about your business. We love to hear what you have to say. It’s healthy to get a point of view from professionals that have helped so many stand out from the rest! Call us at 757-482-3492 or visit us at to learn how we can help!