When it comes to maintaining a well-rounded marketing strategy, you must not forget the traditional stand-bys that still provide a powerful return on investment. The impact that new innovations in technology offer for increasing sales is great, especially when combined with the time-honored tactics of yester-year.

Integrating fun and informative images into your traditional online marketing materials will help spark interest in your brand and make people want to share what you have to offer with their friends. Here are a few suggestions for how your business can get visual and see results:

  • Direct Mail – An eye-catching direct mail piece will demand the attention of your customers AND can be easily shared with friends and family. The impact is even greater when you integrate a special offer that ties in with your online marketing message. This consistency creates an awareness and memorable message and will drive the customer to your online marketing channels!
  • Trade Shows – Participating in a trade show is an inexpensive way to network, scope out the competition, and gain media notoriety in your industry. This is also a great place to shake hands and connect you with qualified leads.
  • Thank You Notes – There are few things these days more powerful than a handwritten note. The time and energy of this “old fashioned gesture” will reap great rewards as you gain respect from loyal customers that are touched by your approach. A note will also allow you to include a business card; a simple gesture that makes a world of difference.

These things may go out of style one day, but they certainly haven’t yet! In fact, we don’t see that happening any time soon because your customer likes this type of personal touch. These and other traditional marketing and customer service techniques are the perfect companions to a robust online marketing strategy.

Call the team at R2R Marketing today! We offer a free consultation at 866-506-7272 and can help you develop the perfect blend of traditional and online marketing tools for all of your marketing needs!