Here it is! What we’ve all been waiting for — the ten steps on how to be a better salesperson. Read carefully, follow the plan step by step, and you may just make a sale today!

1. Sell Yourself. Selling is a transfer of feeling, so if you don’t believe in yourself and the value of your product TODAY, you don’t sell today.

2. Go ALL IN…Give It Everything You’ve Got! Yesterday is over, and today is a new day. Give your best! While being a salesperson is WHAT you do and not WHO you are, if you go to work today, go to work and go ALL IN!

3. Sell Them, Don’t Let Them Sell You. Who is doing the selling today- you or them? Answer this question at the start of the day.

4. Do What You Don’t Want To Do FIRST. Get the hard stuff out of the way early in the morning, or you won’t be the best you can be the rest of the day.

5. Don’t Be Scared to Ask for the Order. Even if you think you didn’t present your BEST presentation, ALWAYS ask the party to buy. You will be surprised.

6. Show It. Quit Telling It. Most people are visual, and many don’t believe anything they hear from a salesperson. Instead, SHOW them what you mean instead of telling them.

7. Believe in HOPE, But Don’t Use It As a Strategy to Sell. There’s nothing wrong with having “hope”, but don’t count on it as a strategy to get you a sale.

8. Don’t CLOSE Unless You Are in a Closing Situation. The best salespeople can’t close if the conditions aren’t right. Don’t ruin a sale by trying — be patient and make sure all the facts are on the table and you’ve made your customers as comfortable as possible before trying to close.

9. Assume the Sale. KNOW that your potential customers don’t need to talk to anyone else but you. The sale is YOURS and yours alone.  Anything your competitors can offer, you can too.

10. Tell the Prospect What They Need to Know. That is, ask yourself the three most important questions before EVERY SALE – “Why they should buy my product?”, “Why they should buy from me?” and last but not least, “Why they should buy today?”.

At R2R Marketing, we are here to help you with your sales training and your marketing needs. Call us today at 757-482-3492 or visit our website at to learn more.