One challenge that we hear every day from our clients is, “We lost the job because we got beat out on price!” Now is the time to identify a wiser approach to overcoming this challenge and get your sales numbers back on track. Here are some tips that can help:

  1. Ask THE Question.
    How important is price to making the decision to hire our services? By asking this question, it allows you the opportunity to share the fact that your price will most likely not be the lowest or the highest in the field of competitive bids. If price is the deciding factor for your customer, it prepares them in advance and allows your sales team to educate them as to “why” and to capitalize on the value that you bring to the service. This also protects you from any “sticker shock” when the price estimated is presented.
  2. Don’t Apologize.
    When the question of price expectations is asked, this is the time to speak confidently and never apologize for your price point. A customer will respect this tone and your honesty in providing reasons why your services are worth the investment.
  3. Encourage Questions.
    Make it comfortable for the customer to address the issue of price. Let them ask questions, and give them a FAQ sheet that helps them “know” the questions to ask you and your competitor. This helps to guide them in understanding the important things they need to know in making this decision. This also positions you as the trusted expert.
  4. Speak To Your Specialty.
    Every business has a specialty service or product. It may be something unusual or something that they are known for in the community. By defining a specialty, this provides the perfect opportunity for connecting directly with an interested customer. Familiarize yourself with the needs of your customer, and prepare a sales strategy that supports the price point and positions you as the pro in their corner.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that your price must reflect the excellence and integrity of the investment that your customer deserves. A transparent and informational sales strategy is the best step to customer loyalty and referrals. By asking this one question, your strategy can impact the confidence of your team and get your sales numbers back on track.

At R2R Marketing, we are committed to giving every client the best value for the best price. We value your success and your satisfaction.