Did you know that there is a secret weapon that when used properly, helps small businesses win? It’s called the first impression and perfecting it can mean the difference between being lucrative or losing out. With the customer making more buying decisions, we should have a professional business presence that makes a positive “first” impression both in “real life” and online. Here are a few ways to make a brilliant first impression in a flash:

Grooming  First and foremost, you need to look like you take care of yourself and ensure that the rest of your team does the same. Make it clear that their personal appearance and behavior need to reflect your high standards.

Introductions  Smile, even if you don’t feel like it. This simple act instantly sets an upbeat tone. When it’s time to make an official introduction, never underestimate the power of the handshake. Just grasp the other person’s hand firmly, look them directly in the eye, and (of course) smile sincerely.

Online Directory Listings – Make sure your online listings (Google+, Bing, Yelp, Yahoo and others) are up to date with relevant information including hours, directions, and complete contact info.

Website and Email  A website doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive to effectively serve its purpose. What it does need to be is informative, user-friendly and optimized for search engines. One of the worst things that can happen for the online presence of a business is for someone to arrive at the website, not find what they’re looking for and go elsewhere to find it. The first impression your website makes can either convert prospects into customers or put a bad taste in prospects’ mouths. The same holds true for your email signature. Configure email accounts that match your website domain name. To project a professional image, use email addresses from generic services like Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo.

Social Media – Presence on relevant social channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn is a core component of marketing in the 21st century. Mere presence, however, isn’t enough to garner any lasting benefit. Like a smile and a firm handshake, a bright and consistent social presence is an important sign to prospects. It says that you care about them and their business.

Don’t let your first impression be the last impression you make.Take the necessary steps to make your business seem inviting, professional and reliable at first glance, and back that up with integrity.