Weekly Thought eNews: Three “C’s” for Success!The use of an eNewsletter for marketing has become a necessary communication for maintaining top-of-mind awareness with customers. For many owners this is a cost-effective…R2R MarketingJuly 8, 2013
Weekly Thought Straight Talk – Customer TestimonialsWhat a customer says about you and your services has a direct impact on your success or failure. A customer testimonial packs more of a…R2R MarketingJuly 1, 2013
Weekly Thought How Important Is Price To YOU?One challenge that we hear from our clients is, "We lost the job because we got beat out on price!" Now is the time to…R2R MarketingJune 17, 2013
Weekly Thought Do I Want Friends Or Fans?Social Media has become a necessity for marketing your presence in the business world. Now that most small businesses have realized that they need to…R2R MarketingJune 10, 2013
Weekly Thought It’s Time To Adjust Your Strategy.For any business to succeed in this complex economy, you must ask yourself some questions. The answers may open your eyes as to who your…R2R MarketingJune 3, 2013
Weekly Thought Aging In Place. The Smart Choice.Did you know that according to a recent poll taken by the American Association of Retired People (AARP), nearly 80 percent of Americans hope to…R2R MarketingMay 27, 2013
Weekly Thought Now That I’ve Got The Customers, How Do I Keep Them?We all know that "it is more expensive to acquire a customer than to retain a customer." The good news is that retaining a customer…R2R MarketingMay 20, 2013
Uncategorized Getting To The Top Successfully!Every business owner wants to be in the number one or two position on the internet search engine rankings. This is a healthy goal, however,…R2R MarketingMay 13, 2013
Weekly Thought Home Is Where The Heart Is!The home is the gathering place for family and friends. As we enter the month of May, we celebrate this safe place — our home…R2R MarketingMay 6, 2013